Level 1 Essentrics Instructor Certification Package

$ 349.95 USD

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LEVEL 1: Principles of the Essentrics® Program

The curriculum and content in Level 1 lays the foundation for your 4-level instructor training. You will gain a comprehensive introduction to the philosophy, principles, objectives, techniques and anatomy of the Essentrics program and apply that theory towards teaching your first full-body rebalancing workout. We believe that the fastest way to understand the theory behind our technique is to put it into practice. The priority of Level 1 is for you to learn to teach your first one-hour Essentrics Pre-Choreographed Workout (PCW), experience the results in your own body, and begin to understand the flow and formula of the Essentrics method. The second objective is to introduce you to everything you’ll be learning, applying and expanding on in the next three levels.