Pre-Choreographed Workout 13: Age-Reversing, Releasing Tension & Developing Body Awareness

$ 59.95 USD

Available exclusively in English/Disponible en anglais seulement

Pre-Choreographed Workouts (PCWs) are the workouts Certified Essentrics Instructors teach while completing the 4-level certification program. PCWs consist of pre-defined exercise sequences set to an eclectic music playlist based on a one-hour class structure. Each PCW has a specific theme while offering a full-body rebalancing workout. All PCWs include a video (streaming online) demonstrating how to teach the workout. The accompanying written content (online) covers detailed exercise breakdowns, teaching tips, target anatomy and more.

NOTE: Please complete your purchase using the same email address to which your Instructor Certification communications are sent.


A stable internet connection is required to access this online-only product. We recommend viewing the PCW on a computer (laptop or desktop) for the most comfortable learning experience.

If you are not a Certified Essentrics Instructor, you do not have access to this product.

You must be a Certified Level 1 Essentrics Instructor (or higher) in order to purchase this PCW. If you do not meet this requirement, you will not be granted access to this product. We will reimburse your purchase minus any associated fees.


This PCW is recommended for Certified Level 2 Instructors and higher wishing to teach gentler Essentrics classes tailored to a more senior demographic.


With Master Trainer Jenny Bertrand

This age-reversing workout is designed to teach your students the basic positions in Essentrics — Neutral C and Neutral Elongation— and make them feel solid on their feet in every position.

The workout moves between tension and relaxation, using imagery and techniques to help people gain body awareness, increase their overall strength and mobility, and liberate their shoulders and hips.


  • Liberate shoulders and hips
  • Increase overall strength and mobility
  • Increase body awareness

Demographic: All fitness levels, including Aging Backwards® clientele
Pace: Moderate
Music: Downloadable playlist included. Also available on iTunes and Spotify.
Released: 2020

Workout Variations

  • 60 min Standing & Floor
  • 45 min Standing & Barre/Chair
  • 30 min Standing



  • Warm-Up
  • Trademark 1: Rebalancing exercises meant for shoulder release and to increase spinal mobility
  • Heel Raisers & Hip Cleaners: Strengthening exercises for the ankles and hip exercises to improve range of motion
  • Pliés: Strengthening and toning sequence for the thighs and glutes
  • Trademark 2: This exercise will promote relaxation of the shoulders and neck while also increasing body awareness
  • Arms, Wrists & Fingers: Exercises to release tension in the wrists and fingers and tone the arms
  • Bicycles & Quad Stretches: Balance exercises to improve mobility of the hip and knee joints
  • Trademark 3: Stretching and strengthening exercises for the torso and legs, which will also improve posture
  • Hamstring Stretches


  • Abs & Quads: Core and quad strengthening exercises
  • Side Leg Lifts: Exercises to strengthen the adductors and abductors
  • Floor Stretches: Stretching sequence to release tension in the hip joint, hamstrings, lower back and neck


  • Standing Leg Lifts: Exercises to strengthen the hips
  • Seated Hip, Spine & Neck Stretch: Stretches to release tension in the hip joint, lower back and neck


Jenny Bertrand
Essentrics Master Trainer
Essentrics TV workout host

Jenny Bertrand is devoted to mentoring and training instructors throughout their levels and helping people feel better in their bodies. She discovered “Classical Stretch” on Rocky Mountain PBS in 2002 and fell in love with the program when her aches and pains from old athletic injuries melted away. She pursued her Essentrics certification in 2012 and introduced live Essentrics classes to the Denver area in 2014. She has led thousands of people in Essentrics group classes and is passionate about sharing this valuable program with students and fellow instructors through workshops, retreats and live teacher trainings. Jenny earned both her undergraduate degree and Master of Business Administration from the University of Colorado. The Colorado native loves spending time with her husband and three children and finding her way to a beach every now and then.