LEVEL 4 - Exam Correction Fee

$ 150.00 USD


Please select the submission option that is best for you.

Option 1: Virtual + Recorded Exam $150
Option 2: Live in-person + Recorded Exam $170

The virtual exam option is hosted through an online conference tool.  

The live exam option is available in select cities* for an in-person exam experience. You must receive approval and confirmation of date and time from the Teacher Training Department before selecting this option.  

*Select cities for live in-person exams:  

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands  
  • Boston, MA USA 
  • Denver, CO USA 
  • Grand Prairie, AB Canada
  • Great Falls, MT USA
  • Montreal, QC Canada  
  • Toronto, ON Canada  
  • Quebec City, QC Canada  

Please email examsubmissions@essentrics.com for additional inquiries or to book your live in-person exam.   

Good luck!
We look forward to welcoming you as a Certified Level 4 Essentrics® Instructor