Pre-Choreographed Workout 11: Developing Strength, Flexibility & Balance

$ 59.95 USD

Available exclusively in English/Disponible en anglais seulement

Pre-Choreographed Workouts (PCWs) are the workouts Certified Essentrics Instructors teach while completing the 4-level certification program. PCWs consist of pre-defined exercise sequences set to an eclectic music playlist based on a one-hour class structure. Each PCW has a specific theme while offering a full-body rebalancing workout. All PCWs include a video (streaming online) demonstrating how to teach the workout. The accompanying written content (online) covers detailed exercise breakdowns, teaching tips, target anatomy and more.

NOTE: Please complete your purchase using the same email address to which your Instructor Certification communications are sent.


A stable internet connection is required to access this online-only product. We recommend viewing the PCW on a computer (laptop or desktop) for the most comfortable learning experience.

If you are not a Certified Essentrics Instructor, you do not have access to this product.

You must be a Certified Level 1 Essentrics Instructor (or higher) in order to purchase this product. If you do not meet this requirement, you will not be granted access to this product. We will reimburse your purchase minus any associated fees.


This PCW is recommended for Certified Level 2 Instructors and higher.


With Master Trainer Amanda Cyr

This workout focuses on improving mobility, stability and balance. The exercises are progressive in nature, gently challenging your students to make their movements bigger and adding more resistance. This PCW works through the body’s entire range of motion, enhancing your students' sense of body awareness and leaving their whole body feeling energized and balanced.


  • Improve strength and stability
  • Challenge the balance reflexes
  • Enhance body awareness

Demographic: All fitness levels
Pace: Moderate
Music: Downloadable playlist included. Also available on iTunes and Spotify.
Released: 2018

Workout Variations

  • 60 min Standing & Floor
  • 60 min Standing, Floor & Barre/Chair
  • 60 min Standing & Barre/Chair
  • 30 min Standing



  • Trademark #1: Full-body sequence using levers to help release tension in the upper back neck and shoulders all the while preparing the spine for the exercises to follow.
  • Trademark #2: Combination of waist toning and full-body rotations aimed to improve posture and increase body awareness.
  • Kicks: Isolated Kick sequence to enhance stability and balance.
  • Arms: Dynamic combination of concentric and eccentric contractions to tone and elongate the muscles of the arms and shoulders.
  • Pliés: Slow and controlled Plié sequence that incorporates the upper body engaging both the large and small muscles.
  • Adductor/Hamstring Stretch: Modified Airplane sequence to work deep into the muscles of the lower back and the hamstrings.
  • Calf Sequence: Windmill variation with a focus on core strengthening and footwork.
  • Trademark #3: Combination of Clock and Side Lunges to work deep into the muscles of the entire torso, defining the waist and toning the abdominals.


  • Side Leg Lifts: Exercises to effectively tone and shape thighs and glutes and release tension in the knees and hips.
  • Abs: A simple and effective sequence created to strengthen the core, focusing on both eccentric and concentric contractions.
  • Floor Stretches: Designed to release the hips, glutes and groin and to help improve freedom of movement in the hips.


  • Side Kicks / Karate Kicks: To increase hip range of motion while toning the glutes and outer thighs.
  • Footwork: To strengthen the feet and improve balance.
  • Big 4 Stretch: To stretch and rebalance the Big 4 muscles.


Amanda Cyr
Essentrics Master Trainer
Essentrics TV workout host

Amanda Cyr began teaching Essentrics in 2013 and joined the Teacher Training department at the Essentrics Head Office in 2015, where her role is focused on expanding and developing the Essentrics program. She works closely with Miranda Esmonde-White and the instructor community by hosting retreats, workshops and live teacher trainings worldwide. Amanda holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Wilfrid Laurier University and draws on her fascination with the human body and its design to help guide her work.

In her aim to continually expand her knowledge of the body’s natural healing systems, she completed a restorative yoga certification and is in the process of becoming an Ayurvedic wellness practitioner. By sharing the Essentrics technique, Amanda is devoted to redefining the true meaning of fitness and helping people experience what it feels like to be healthy and happy in their bodies.